Smart and Basic PDUs for Data Center applications
Common Features

1Phase 230V & 3Phase
16A and 32A

Low Density overall dim. (44X57mm)
High Density overall dim. (52X65mm)

Zero-U and Horizontal 1U

Delivering Performance

A PDU platform for digital excellence

Local Power Meter Module

Providing accurate monitoring

+/-1% accuracy You can monitor your power data with accurate metering thanks to PDUs LPMM (Local Power Meter Module) or metered/switched PDUs. As a result you have reliable inputs for decision.

Improving uptime

55°C rating aluminum chassis The compact aluminum chassis withstands high ambient temperatures.

Hydraulic magnetic circuit protection The Linkeo Data Center platform offers hydraulic magnetic miniature circuit breakers with high ambient temperature tolerance for tripping, and high interruption capacity

Hydraulic magnetic circuit

Facilitating deployment and maintenance

330° rotating input cord

330° rotating input cord

Hot swappable controller architectures

Hot swappable controller architectures

High-density outlet modules

High-density outlet modules

Reducing human error

Cord locking system

Cord locking system

Numbered outlets

Numbered outlets

PDU Colour-Coding

PDU Colour-Coding

Power cords with server side locking

Power cords with server side locking

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